*le sigh*
It's been a slow week. I haven't been eating too great and I haven't been exercising, also I just got my perioud so I'm feeling super meh and craving junk food like it's going out of style!
I've been thinking a lot lately about junk food addiction. Does it exist? Is it just an excuse that fat people make? I don't really know, but what I do know is this... I know tonnes of people in my life who have stopped smoking and have never smoked again. I dont however know one person who has lost weight an not put it back on at some stage.
If you look at how junk food is designed it's full of fats and sugars that our bodies crave, and this goes back to when we were cavemen and fats and sugars were very rare and were awesome at lessing us build up fat to help us not starve to death through Winter. Our minds have not adjusted at all to modern times where fatty and sugary foods are so plentiful and easily attainable so our brains still tell us that we need more, hoarding away all those fats just in case.
I know not all people are overweight or have isasues with junk food, ubt lets be realistic. Both in the USA and in Australia over 65% of adults are overweight and the numbers are rising.
I guess one of hardest parts of losing weigth and keeping it off is this.. For drug addicts you can remove yourself from the drug culture, for smokers you can never pick up a ciggarette again, for foodaholics you can never stop eating and no matter where you go to buy food there are a million unhealthy options tempting you. It's hard to drive one suburb wihtout going past a Macdonalds and I'd say at least 10% of ads both on the radio and on TV are for junk food. You cant escape it, it's always there.
When I really think about it, it kind of upsets me to think that I'lll probably always be battling with my weight. Do I think I'm addicted to junk food? I think so. I crave junk food like crazy when I dont have it, sometimes I get mood swings and I've been known to manipulate to get it.
If anyone has any opinions, let me know. I really want to know what other people think about this.
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